M45-Science: Factorio Server Browser

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Results: 18
~[M45] K-Deathworld-Private
Players: 1
Description: MAP RESETS: Sun Jan 05 16:00 UTC (monthly) Whitelist: REGULARS-ONLY FRIENDLY FIRE Map preset: death-world-marathon Direct connect: m45sci.xyz:10010 Serving the Factorio community since 2017! Location: Southfield Michigan, USA Website/Discord: https://m45sci.xyz Dual Xeon E5-2680 v4, 64GB RAM, Gigabit Fiber Supporters: iamlionheart, sirvorlon, iron_father, windsinger, wormeyman, dwits, hawkeeyi, gottz.de, christiandk4400, mx107marlin, .doomsby, _kingger Nitro Boosters: hawkeeyi, m44arty, distortions, rylabs, iron_father, paitel, shrekkylove32
Tags: preset-death-world-marathon, M45, REGULARS-ONLY, m45sci.xyz, ChatWire,
Time: 4 hrs 58 mins
Version: 2.0.23
~[M45] G-DeathWorld-TwoWeek
Players: 1
Description: MAP RESETS: Tue Dec 10 16:00 UTC (twice-monthly) OPEN-TO-PUBLIC Map preset: death-world Direct connect: m45sci.xyz:10006 Serving the Factorio community since 2017! Location: Southfield Michigan, USA Website/Discord: https://m45sci.xyz Dual Xeon E5-2680 v4, 64GB RAM, Gigabit Fiber Supporters: iamlionheart, sirvorlon, iron_father, windsinger, wormeyman, dwits, hawkeeyi, gottz.de, christiandk4400, mx107marlin, .doomsby, _kingger Nitro Boosters: hawkeeyi, m44arty, distortions, rylabs, iron_father, paitel, shrekkylove32
Tags: preset-death-world, M45, PUBLIC, m45sci.xyz, ChatWire,
Time: 17 hrs 39 mins
Version: 2.0.23
~[M45] F-RailWorld-TwoWeek
Players: 1
Description: MAP RESETS: Mon Dec 16 16:00 UTC (twice-monthly) OPEN-TO-PUBLIC Map preset: rail-world Direct connect: m45sci.xyz:10005 Serving the Factorio community since 2017! Location: Southfield Michigan, USA Website/Discord: https://m45sci.xyz Dual Xeon E5-2680 v4, 64GB RAM, Gigabit Fiber Supporters: iamlionheart, sirvorlon, iron_father, windsinger, wormeyman, dwits, hawkeeyi, gottz.de, christiandk4400, mx107marlin, .doomsby, _kingger Nitro Boosters: hawkeeyi, m44arty, distortions, rylabs, iron_father, paitel, shrekkylove32
Tags: preset-rail-world, M45, PUBLIC, m45sci.xyz, ChatWire,
Time: 1 day 12 hrs
Version: 2.0.23
~[M45] D-Peaceful-Weekly
Players: 1
Description: MAP RESETS: Thu Dec 12 12:00 UTC (day-of-week) OPEN-TO-PUBLIC Map generator: peace Direct connect: m45sci.xyz:10003 Serving the Factorio community since 2017! Location: Southfield Michigan, USA Website/Discord: https://m45sci.xyz Dual Xeon E5-2680 v4, 64GB RAM, Gigabit Fiber Supporters: iamlionheart, sirvorlon, iron_father, windsinger, wormeyman, dwits, hawkeeyi, gottz.de, christiandk4400, mx107marlin, .doomsby, _kingger Nitro Boosters: hawkeeyi, m44arty, distortions, rylabs, iron_father, paitel, shrekkylove32
Tags: gen-peace, M45, PUBLIC, m45sci.xyz, ChatWire,
Time: 21 hrs 33 mins
Version: 2.0.23
~[M45] B-Railworld-Weekly
Players: 1
Description: MAP RESETS: Thu Dec 12 12:00 UTC (day-of-week) OPEN-TO-PUBLIC Map preset: rail-world Direct connect: m45sci.xyz:10001 Serving the Factorio community since 2017! Location: Southfield Michigan, USA Website/Discord: https://m45sci.xyz Dual Xeon E5-2680 v4, 64GB RAM, Gigabit Fiber Supporters: iamlionheart, sirvorlon, iron_father, windsinger, wormeyman, dwits, hawkeeyi, gottz.de, christiandk4400, mx107marlin, .doomsby, _kingger Nitro Boosters: hawkeeyi, m44arty, distortions, rylabs, iron_father, paitel, shrekkylove32
Tags: preset-rail-world, M45, PUBLIC, m45sci.xyz, ChatWire,
Time: 5 hrs 3 mins
Version: 2.0.23
~[M45] R-RailWorld
Players: NONE
Description: MAP RESETS: Wed Jan 01 16:00 UTC (monthly) OPEN-TO-PUBLIC Map preset: rail-world Direct connect: m45sci.xyz:10017 Serving the Factorio community since 2017! Location: Southfield Michigan, USA Website/Discord: https://m45sci.xyz Dual Xeon E5-2680 v4, 64GB RAM, Gigabit Fiber Supporters: iamlionheart, sirvorlon, iron_father, windsinger, wormeyman, dwits, hawkeeyi, gottz.de, christiandk4400, mx107marlin, .doomsby, _kingger Nitro Boosters: hawkeeyi, m44arty, distortions, rylabs, iron_father, paitel, shrekkylove32
Tags: preset-rail-world, M45, PUBLIC, m45sci.xyz, ChatWire,
Time: 8 hrs
Version: 1.1.110
~[M45] Q-DeathWorld
Players: NONE
Description: MAP RESETS: Sat Dec 14 16:00 UTC (monthly) OPEN-TO-PUBLIC Map preset: death-world Direct connect: m45sci.xyz:10016 Serving the Factorio community since 2017! Location: Southfield Michigan, USA Website/Discord: https://m45sci.xyz Dual Xeon E5-2680 v4, 64GB RAM, Gigabit Fiber Supporters: iamlionheart, sirvorlon, iron_father, windsinger, wormeyman, dwits, hawkeeyi, gottz.de, christiandk4400, mx107marlin, .doomsby, _kingger Nitro Boosters: hawkeeyi, m44arty, distortions, rylabs, iron_father, paitel, shrekkylove32
Tags: preset-death-world, M45, PUBLIC, m45sci.xyz, ChatWire,
Time: 0 min
Version: 1.1.110
~[M45] P-Peaceful
Players: NONE
Description: MAP RESETS: Sat Dec 21 16:00 UTC (monthly) OPEN-TO-PUBLIC Map generator: v1-peace Direct connect: m45sci.xyz:10015 Serving the Factorio community since 2017! Location: Southfield Michigan, USA Website/Discord: https://m45sci.xyz Dual Xeon E5-2680 v4, 64GB RAM, Gigabit Fiber Supporters: iamlionheart, sirvorlon, iron_father, windsinger, wormeyman, dwits, hawkeeyi, gottz.de, christiandk4400, mx107marlin, .doomsby, _kingger Nitro Boosters: hawkeeyi, m44arty, distortions, rylabs, iron_father, paitel, shrekkylove32
Tags: gen-v1-peace, M45, PUBLIC, m45sci.xyz, ChatWire,
Time: 1 day 13 hrs
Version: 1.1.110
~[M45] O-Maze-Weekly
Players: NONE
Mods: 1
Description: MAP RESETS: Thu Dec 12 16:00 UTC (day-of-week) OPEN-TO-PUBLIC Map preset: default Direct connect: m45sci.xyz:10014 Serving the Factorio community since 2017! Location: Southfield Michigan, USA Website/Discord: https://m45sci.xyz Dual Xeon E5-2680 v4, 64GB RAM, Gigabit Fiber Supporters: iamlionheart, sirvorlon, iron_father, windsinger, wormeyman, dwits, hawkeeyi, gottz.de, christiandk4400, mx107marlin, .doomsby, _kingger Nitro Boosters: hawkeeyi, m44arty, distortions, rylabs, iron_father, paitel, shrekkylove32
Tags: preset-default, M45, PUBLIC, m45sci.xyz, ChatWire,
Time: 0 min
Version: 2.0.23
~[M45] N-SpaceAge-Private
Players: NONE
Mods: 3
Description: MAP RESETS: Wed Jan 01 16:00 UTC (monthly) Whitelist: REGULARS-ONLY Map preset: default Direct connect: m45sci.xyz:10013 Serving the Factorio community since 2017! Location: Southfield Michigan, USA Website/Discord: https://m45sci.xyz Dual Xeon E5-2680 v4, 64GB RAM, Gigabit Fiber Supporters: iamlionheart, sirvorlon, iron_father, windsinger, wormeyman, dwits, hawkeeyi, gottz.de, christiandk4400, mx107marlin, .doomsby, _kingger Nitro Boosters: hawkeeyi, m44arty, distortions, rylabs, iron_father, paitel, shrekkylove32
Tags: preset-default, M45, REGULARS-ONLY, m45sci.xyz, ChatWire,
Time: 2 days 2 hrs
Version: 2.0.23
~[M45] M-Peaceful-Space-Private
Players: NONE
Mods: 3
Description: MAP RESETS: Mon Dec 09 16:00 UTC (monthly) Whitelist: REGULARS-ONLY FRIENDLY FIRE Map generator: peace Direct connect: m45sci.xyz:10012 Serving the Factorio community since 2017! Location: Southfield Michigan, USA Website/Discord: https://m45sci.xyz Dual Xeon E5-2680 v4, 64GB RAM, Gigabit Fiber Supporters: iamlionheart, sirvorlon, iron_father, windsinger, wormeyman, dwits, hawkeeyi, gottz.de, christiandk4400, mx107marlin, .doomsby, _kingger Nitro Boosters: hawkeeyi, m44arty, distortions, rylabs, iron_father, paitel, shrekkylove32
Tags: gen-peace, M45, REGULARS-ONLY, m45sci.xyz, ChatWire,
Time: 2 days 14 hrs
Version: 2.0.23
~[M45] L-Peaceful-Private
Players: NONE
Description: MAP RESETS: Tue Dec 24 16:00 UTC (monthly) Whitelist: REGULARS-ONLY FRIENDLY FIRE Map generator: peace Direct connect: m45sci.xyz:10011 Serving the Factorio community since 2017! Location: Southfield Michigan, USA Website/Discord: https://m45sci.xyz Dual Xeon E5-2680 v4, 64GB RAM, Gigabit Fiber Supporters: iamlionheart, sirvorlon, iron_father, windsinger, wormeyman, dwits, hawkeeyi, gottz.de, christiandk4400, mx107marlin, .doomsby, _kingger Nitro Boosters: hawkeeyi, m44arty, distortions, rylabs, iron_father, paitel, shrekkylove32
Tags: gen-peace, M45, REGULARS-ONLY, m45sci.xyz, ChatWire,
Time: 22 hrs 49 mins
Version: 2.0.23
~[M45] J-Railworld-Private
Players: NONE
Description: MAP RESETS: Tue Dec 24 16:00 UTC (monthly) Whitelist: REGULARS-ONLY FRIENDLY FIRE Map preset: rail-world Direct connect: m45sci.xyz:10009 Serving the Factorio community since 2017! Location: Southfield Michigan, USA Website/Discord: https://m45sci.xyz Dual Xeon E5-2680 v4, 64GB RAM, Gigabit Fiber Supporters: iamlionheart, sirvorlon, iron_father, windsinger, wormeyman, dwits, hawkeeyi, gottz.de, christiandk4400, mx107marlin, .doomsby, _kingger Nitro Boosters: hawkeeyi, m44arty, distortions, rylabs, iron_father, paitel, shrekkylove32
Tags: preset-rail-world, M45, REGULARS-ONLY, m45sci.xyz, ChatWire,
Time: 14 hrs
Version: 2.0.23
~[M45] I-SpaceAge-TwoWeek
Players: NONE
Mods: 3
Description: MAP RESETS: Fri Dec 20 16:00 UTC (twice-monthly) OPEN-TO-PUBLIC Map preset: rich-resources Direct connect: m45sci.xyz:10008 Serving the Factorio community since 2017! Location: Southfield Michigan, USA Website/Discord: https://m45sci.xyz Dual Xeon E5-2680 v4, 64GB RAM, Gigabit Fiber Supporters: iamlionheart, sirvorlon, iron_father, windsinger, wormeyman, dwits, hawkeeyi, gottz.de, christiandk4400, mx107marlin, .doomsby, _kingger Nitro Boosters: hawkeeyi, m44arty, distortions, rylabs, iron_father, paitel, shrekkylove32
Tags: preset-rich-resources, M45, PUBLIC, m45sci.xyz, ChatWire,
Time: 13 hrs 3 mins
Version: 2.0.23
~[M45] H-Peaceful-TwoWeek
Players: NONE
Description: MAP RESETS: Wed Dec 11 16:00 UTC (twice-monthly) OPEN-TO-PUBLIC Map generator: peace Direct connect: m45sci.xyz:10007 Serving the Factorio community since 2017! Location: Southfield Michigan, USA Website/Discord: https://m45sci.xyz Dual Xeon E5-2680 v4, 64GB RAM, Gigabit Fiber Supporters: iamlionheart, sirvorlon, iron_father, windsinger, wormeyman, dwits, hawkeeyi, gottz.de, christiandk4400, mx107marlin, .doomsby, _kingger Nitro Boosters: hawkeeyi, m44arty, distortions, rylabs, iron_father, paitel, shrekkylove32
Tags: gen-peace, M45, PUBLIC, m45sci.xyz, ChatWire,
Time: 16 hrs 34 mins
Version: 2.0.23
~[M45] E-SpaceAge-Weekly
Players: NONE
Mods: 3
Description: MAP RESETS: Fri Dec 13 16:00 UTC (day-of-week) OPEN-TO-PUBLIC Map preset: rich-resources Direct connect: m45sci.xyz:10004 Serving the Factorio community since 2017! Location: Southfield Michigan, USA Website/Discord: https://m45sci.xyz Dual Xeon E5-2680 v4, 64GB RAM, Gigabit Fiber Supporters: iamlionheart, sirvorlon, iron_father, windsinger, wormeyman, dwits, hawkeeyi, gottz.de, christiandk4400, mx107marlin, .doomsby, _kingger Nitro Boosters: hawkeeyi, m44arty, distortions, rylabs, iron_father, paitel, shrekkylove32
Tags: preset-rich-resources, M45, PUBLIC, m45sci.xyz, ChatWire,
Time: 0 min
Version: 2.0.23
~[M45] C-Permadeath-OneLife-Deathworld-72H
Players: NONE
Description: MAP RESETS: Sat Dec 07 16:00 UTC (third-dates) OPEN-TO-PUBLIC PERMADEATH ONE-LIFE NO-RESPAWN Map preset: death-world Direct connect: m45sci.xyz:10002 Serving the Factorio community since 2017! Location: Southfield Michigan, USA Website/Discord: https://m45sci.xyz Dual Xeon E5-2680 v4, 64GB RAM, Gigabit Fiber PERMA-DEATH! Supporters: iamlionheart, sirvorlon, iron_father, windsinger, wormeyman, dwits, hawkeeyi, gottz.de, christiandk4400, mx107marlin, .doomsby, _kingger Nitro Boosters: hawkeeyi, m44arty, distortions, rylabs, iron_father, paitel, shrekkylove32
Tags: preset-death-world, M45, PUBLIC, m45sci.xyz, ChatWire,
Time: 5 hrs 16 mins
Version: 2.0.23
~[M45] A-Island-48h
Players: NONE
Description: MAP RESETS: Sat Dec 07 16:00 UTC (odd-dates) OPEN-TO-PUBLIC Map preset: island Direct connect: m45sci.xyz:10000 Serving the Factorio community since 2017! Location: Southfield Michigan, USA Website/Discord: https://m45sci.xyz Dual Xeon E5-2680 v4, 64GB RAM, Gigabit Fiber Supporters: iamlionheart, sirvorlon, iron_father, windsinger, wormeyman, dwits, hawkeeyi, gottz.de, christiandk4400, mx107marlin, .doomsby, _kingger Nitro Boosters: hawkeeyi, m44arty, distortions, rylabs, iron_father, paitel, shrekkylove32
Tags: preset-island, M45, PUBLIC, m45sci.xyz, ChatWire,
Time: 1 hr 10 mins
Version: 2.0.23